Best WhatsApp Chat Plugins For WordPress

8 Best WhatsApp Chat Plugins For WordPress

Author :
Ritika Rakshit
| Updated On :
June 27, 2023

WhatsApp, one of the fastest-rising instant messaging programmes, offers the best online messaging substitute. WhatsApp is frequently used for individual and group messaging, among other things. 

Thankfully, WordPress plugins make it simple to include WhatsApp conversations on your website. You may use it to interact with website visitors, send them messages that are unique to them, and increase traffic to your WordPress website.

But picking one can be challenging because there are so many WhatsApp WordPress plugins available. Hence, we’ve made a list of the best WhatsApp WordPress plugins. Let us look at all these plugins one by one.

Why Should You Use WhatsApp Chat Plugins For Your WordPress Website?

8 Best WhatsApp Chat Plugins For WordPress Paid And Free

  • WhatsApp Chat WordPress
  • Chaty
  • WP Social Ninja
  • WhatsApp Click to chat
  • Join Chat
  • WP Sticky Button
  • Click to Chat
  • WhatsApp Support plugin

1. WhatsApp Chat WordPress

Best WhatsApp Chat Plugins For WordPress
WhatsApp Chat Plugins For WordPress

The most powerful click-to-chat widget available for free is the top-rated WhatsApp Membership Plugin for WordPress (also known as WP Chat App). Every WhatsApp user receives a brand-new, native impression from it. 

This plugin offers a special widget for visitors to your website to introduce themselves and ask questions once it has been installed and activated. A beautiful WhatsApp chat button will appear live on your website’s corner when you fill out your account’s information, including your phone number, title, display name, and custom appearance.

You can later provide discounts and vouchers that your audience can use after carefully compiling their phone numbers. Using WhatsApp messages can help you exert a significant impact when it’s time to publish a story, a product, or an event.


Regular license fee of $17 is applicable for 6 months.

2. Chaty

Best WhatsApp Chat Plugins For WordPress
WhatsApp Chat Plugins For WordPress

You can interact with your consumers right from your website with the help of Chaty, an innovative chat plugin. In addition to WhatsApp, it supports Messenger, Instagram Direct Messages, LinkedIn, Skype, and other well-known social media platforms. So that audiences are naturally enticed to contacting you, you may create a timer to activate the Call-to-Action button at a specific interval. 

Seven different color options are available for the chat icons and text. You may choose which pages the plugin appears on and control every single pixel of its location. You can incorporate Google Analytics as well to monitor interactions with potential clients.


$49 Per Year

3. WP Social Ninja

Best WhatsApp Chat Plugins For WordPress
WhatsApp Chat Plugins For WordPress

For WordPress users, WP Social Ninja is a comprehensive social media plugin for WordPress. It contains everything you need to make the most of your social networks, from social feeds to chat widgets. Over 29 social outlets are supported. The chat widgets in this plugin are the reason it is on the list. It provides Telegram, WhatsApp, and Messenger chat widgets. 

With the help of the WhatsApp Chat Widget, users of the website may quickly contact them over WhatsApp. The process of adding a WhatsApp chat widget is simple. Simply create the chat body and position it wherever you pick. The widget’s appearance and feel can be altered to fit your brand. Better customer service and engagement will enhance your leads and sales thanks to this plugin.

Single LicenseAgency LicenseUnlimited License
$44 Per Year$149 Per Year$249 Per Year

4. WhatsApp Click to chat

Best WhatsApp Chat Plugins For WordPress
WhatsApp Chat Plugins For WordPress

An intriguing WhatsApp plugin called Click to Chat lets you configure support hours based on the time and day of the week as well as various WhatsApp accounts. You can use this tool to embed a WhatsApp widget on your website and enhance customer communication.

Page targeting, color customization, Google Analytics and Analytics Plugins for WordPress, Facebook Pixel integration are a few of its features. Additionally, it provides short code choices and enables you to display the box based on the user’s scroll distance and inactivity.

Regular LicenseExtended License
$19 Per Year$70 Per Year

5. Join Chat

Best WhatsApp Chat Plugins For WordPress
WhatsApp Chat Plugins For WordPress

An outstanding free WhatsApp plugin that enables you to include a contact button on your website is called Join. Chat. The sites or locations where you wish to show the conversation, the delay duration, and the kind of device are all selectable. Additionally, you may add your logo, a photo, or an animated GIF to the chat box to make it more unique.

The button’s look cannot be altered, though. In addition to customizing a welcome message, join. You can set up chat triggers so that it will start when a user clicks a specific element or scrolls up to a specific area of your website. With this tool’s WooCommerce integration, you may use dynamic material in the conversation, such as SKU, price, or product names.

$0$49 Per Year$99 Per Year$299 Per Year

6. WP Sticky Button

Best WhatsApp Chat Plugins For WordPress
WhatsApp Chat Plugins For WordPress

A straightforward yet useful WhatsApp plugin called WP Sticky Button allows you to show a WhatsApp button on your WordPress website. Although this utility lacks some bells and whistles found in other plugins, it still does the job.

If the user has the WhatsApp application installed, the WP Sticky Button takes them there; if not, it brings them to the WhatsApp website. Additionally, you may alter the icon, add a default message, move the button, and display the button on a desktop, tablet, or mobile device.


This plugin is completely Free To Use.

7. Click to Chat

Best WhatsApp Chat Plugins For WordPress
WhatsApp Chat Plugins For WordPress

Users can interact with their WhatsApp contacts right from their WordPress dashboard by using the Click to Chat plugin. Immediately after the widget in the bottom-right corner of your website has been active, you will be able to contact your visitors over WhatsApp.

Additionally, a settings section is available where you can put up a message, select a style, alter the colors, target particular devices, alter the plugin’s layout for each device, interact with Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel, and hide the plugin from specific WordPress articles and WordPress RSS Feed Plugins.

This plugin can, for instance, prompt users to click a button to join a WhatsApp group after it has been created. Numerous additional features are accessible to premium customers in addition to the free version.


This plugin is Free To Use.

8. WhatsApp Support plugin

Best WhatsApp Chat Plugins For WordPress
WhatsApp Chat Plugins For WordPress

The WordPress WhatsApp Support plugin seems to offer a number of perks in addition to WordPress’s obvious advantages. More than two billion individuals use WhatsApp globally. Your support personnel can interact with customers and visitors directly thanks to its utilization.

Through WhatsApp, you may manage your support thanks to this plugin. Let’s say you decide to have a number of support agents on hand. The number of people you want to assign to your team in that situation is entirely up to you.

This is the only plugin with built-in analytics and is completely responsive and customizable.

By choosing from a variety of layout options, you may build an infinite number of support or contact buttons with the plugin’s button generator.


Pricing of this plugin is $20 Per Year.


In conclusion, you must produce more leads if you want to expand your firm. Even if pop-ups might accomplish that, using the best WhatsApp plugins will enable you to enhance customer service and outperform your rivals. The WhatsApp plugins described above will undoubtedly aid in your company’s expansion and consumer communication. Also let us know in the comment section which plugin you found the best.

Suggested Read:- Best Page Builder Plugins for Creating Custom WordPress Pages.


1. Can I customize the appearance of the WhatsApp Chat Plugin for WordPress?

The WhatsApp Chat Plugin for WordPress offers extensive customization options. You can decide from various button styles, colors, and positions to match your website’s design and branding. Experiment with different options until you find the perfect look for your chat plugin.

2. Can I use the WhatsApp Chat Plugin for WordPress on multiple websites?

The plugin allows you to add the WhatsApp chat Plugin functionality to multiple WordPress websites. Simply install the plugin on each site and configure it according to your preferences. You can provide instant support and connect with visitors across all your websites using WhatsApp.

3. Does the WhatsApp Chat Plugin for WordPress support multiple languages?

The plugin is designed to be language-friendly. It automatically detects the language of the visitor’s browser and displays the chat interface accordingly. Moreover, you can customize the text and labels within the chat plugin to cater to your specific language requirements.

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